Fiji Office of Tourism branding and campaign
The project: A semester long campaign that consisted of designing a logo, brand guidelines, factbook, and mailer. This was all based on an assigned country that we were responsible for doing research on. along with this, we had to design with printing processes in mind.
The Brief: Design a logo for a Fiji travel agency. Then adapt it for black only and reverse versions. I decided to make a few variations of the brands logo for specific situations.
The Brief: Design a brand guidelines. This included selection a meaningful color pallet, type faces, and developing clear guidelines that the brand would adhere to.
The Brief: Design a fact book, using data collected from the C.I.A. website. I had to create a way to show data in a visually interesting way. This included designing data tables, graphs, and attractive page layouts with the assistance of stock imagery.
The Brief: Choose an artists or performer to showcase in a folding mailer, advertising the B Gallery's opening reception. This project had a 2 week turn around and required me to do research on the performer and develop copy for the ad. The mailer was restricted to be a two color print where one color had to be black and the other could be any one of our brands colors. The design also had to be made with mailers folding experience in mind.
Black Pantone Layer
Green Pantone Layer
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